Laying the Foundation of a Police State – Part 4 – Iraq

Since the summer of 2004, Law and Disorder has brought Pacifica listeners the voices of activists, authors and attorneys from the front lines.

We’ve examined in a four part radio series, the foundation for what many view as a police state in the United States. In this series we’ve talked with guests about the post 9/11 blueprint of a police state build up and how the nefarious turn to war, the use of torture and the domestic propagation of fear unfolded.

We have examined at length topics such as torture, domestic surveillance, criminalizing dissent, racial profiling, indefinite detentions and the destruction of constitutional rights as vital information to bring an understanding to listeners as to how it happened and where we go from here.

In this fourth part of the series we look at the unjust and illegal war in Iraq.

We believe that taken together, the four-part series chronicle the events, policies and legislation that have shaped a police state in the United States. Law and Disorder calls attention to this emergence by bringing you the voices of strength and opposition from activists, authors and attorneys who are well informed, not silent and standing up against the strangling of democracy.

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Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal

Law and Disorder invite Anthony Arnove back to talk more about his book Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal, and discuss how is it possible to end the occupation in Iraq. Hosts look at the intentionality of stirring up an unnatural conflict among the Sunnis, Kurds and Shiites and later pull back to discuss the larger picture and draw comparisons to the anti-war movement during the Vietnam conflict.

Guest – Anthony Arnove, author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal, He his also the editor, with Howard Zinn, of Voices of a People’s History of the United States (Seven Stories), the long-awaited primary-source companion to A People’s History of the United States.

Active Duty Anti-War Activist

Jonathan Hutto works and lives on a Norfolk, Virginia based aircraft carrier, the Theodore Roosevelt. Hutto strongly opposes the Iraq war. Supported by antiwar military family and veterans organizations, Hutto and a handful of other service members created a Web site called An Appeal for Redress. This site allows active-duty and reserve troops to e-mail their representatives in Congress for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. Their message: “Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home.” Anti-War Link – Citizen Soldier

The Case of Mohammad Munaf

US citizen Mohammad Munaf has been convicted of a death penalty crime involving his alleged connection with 3 kidnapped Romanian journalists in Iraq. It’s reported that there is little to no evidence against him in this case. Law and Disorder talk with Jonathan Hafetz who with others are trying to make a last ditch effort for appeal to keep Mohammad from being turned over to the Iraqis where it’s likely he will be executed. Originally from Iraq, Munaf immigrated to the United States and became a U.S. citizen in 2000 and in the following year he immigrated to Romania with his wife and three children. . . read more about Mohammad Munaf

Update – The Supreme Court has turned down Mohammad Munaf’s appeal. The US is free to turn Munaf over to the Iraqis where he may be executed.

Guest – Jonathan Hafetz Associate Counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, and authored the amicus brief of British and American Habeas Corpus Scholars submitted on behalf of the Guant?namo detainees.