People’s Law Office Files Suit To Stop Paramilitary In Chicago

With less than 100 days to go before the November election Donald Trump is afraid, with good reason, that he is going to lose. He had planned to run on the strength of the American economy. But because of the widespread and spreading COVID-19 virus and the attendant tanking of the economy he can no longer do this. Trump has switched election strategies.

He calls himself a war president and is hoping to stir up peoples’ fear of anarchists socialists, people who he says hate our country and who he falsely claims are tearing it apart in rising crime ridden Democratic party controlled major cities.

Fear is his strategy. He won the last election despite losing the popular vote by raising the specter of fear of Muslim terrorists and Mexican rapists and murderers invading our southern border.

Using the pretext of an executive order issued to protect statutes and monuments Trump has marshaled para-military troops from six different Federal organizations including Homeland Security and the Customs and Border Patrol. Two weeks ago he sent them to Portland, Oregon where are largely peaceful protests have been ongoing.

The military forces were sent out to crush the demonstrations, to dominate the streets. Dressed in camouflage uniforms without identification they plucked protesters off the street, kidnapped and interrogated them, and then released them. They used teargas, pepper spray, and fired rubber bullets. They beat people severely with batons and focused their attacks on paramedics, National Lawyers Guild legal observers and journalists.

Trump has indicated that he plans to send his para- military forces to Chicago. Black Lives Matter in that city and several other activist organizations have banded together and sued Trump to prevent this.

Guest – Attorney Flint Taylor, founding partner of the Peoples Law Office. Taylor has litigated against police abuse in Chicago for over 50 years. He started out successfully representing the family of assassinated Black Panther leader Fred Hampton. He has represented many victims of police torture and has written the award winning book The Torture Machine: Racism and Violence in Chicago.

Guest – Attorney Christian Snow, associate of the Chicago civil rights law firm the Peoples Law Office. She is a leader of the prison abolitionist group Assata’s Daughters and has been active in the Black Lives Matter movement in Chicago protesting the racist murder of George Floyd.


USPS Crisis During Pandemic: Update

In late May we reported that the United States Postal Service was projected to fun out of funds by September 2020. New forecasts give the USPS a few more months. But it can still run out of cash before the end of 2021 without long-term reform from Congress.

Former Postmaster General Megan Brennan in April asked the House Oversight and Reform Committee for a $75 billion relief package based on the earlier forecasts. The request was approved, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, package volume has actually increased. But experts say it’s not a matter of if the USPS will deplete its funds, but when.

Since we recorded this interview, the American Post Workers Union’s president has warned that recently enacted Postal Service procedures — which have led to nationwide delays in mail delivery — could affect mail-in voting for the November election.

Mark Dimondstein told CNN that postal workers and customers are reporting that mail delivery has slowed and “degraded.” The Union leader says it’s been “demoralizing and upsetting” to workers who have worked through the pandemic.

The new procedures, including cutting overtime, come from Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a longtime Donald Trump supporter and fundraiser. Bins of mail ready for delivery have been left sitting in post offices due to scheduling and route changes, and carriers are sorting more mail themselves, increasing delivery times.

As Trump trails Joe Biden in the polls, he now claims that delays processing mail-in votes would undermine the legitimacy of the November election and has suggested delaying it.

Dimondstein expressed concern that the mail service is being politicized. He also criticized the Treasury Department’s agreement with USPS on the “terms and conditions” for $10 billion in the form of loans. He says the loan pushes the USPS further into debt.

Help save the USPS – / NationalRuralOrganizing

Guest – Chuck Zlatkin. Chuck is the legislative director of the New York Metro Area Postal Union.

