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Reverse Rendition Update

Ahmed Omar Abu Ali was originally charged with plotting with Middle East terrorists to assassinate President Bush. An American student who studied abroad in Saudi Arabia, was kidnapped and tortured by Saudis and brought back to the United States. (Read New York Times article here)

Abu Ali is a Houston-born American citizen and the valedictorian of his high school class in suburban Virginia. Back in the U.S. Abu Ali faced trial based on alleged tortured confessions in Saudi Arabia. Abu Ali’s description of Saudi torture tactics are consistent with known Saudi torture interrogation techniques. The evidence of torture was not admitted into the courtroom and Ahmed Omar Abu Ali was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison.

In this Law and Disorder exclusive interview, the hosts speak with Tasneem Abu Ali, the sister of Ahmed. She is now trying to get her brother out of prison.



Uiger Muslims Transferred From Guantanamo To Albania

Recently, the Uiger Muslims were quietly sent to the economically depressed country of Albania, they do not know the language and are being held in a large compound. It was explained to Law and Disorder that in Albania, the Uigers can move about freely within the compound and cannot leave. Listen to the Jan. 2 show with Uiger segment – Guest – attorney Sabin Willet.

Guest – Neil McGaraghan – an attorney with Bingham McCutchen, representing the Uigers.



 Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal

How it is possible to end the Iraq occupation? Hosts look at the intentionality of stirring up an unnatural conflict among the Sunnis, Kurds and Shiites and later pull back to discuss the larger picture of the Iraq occupation.

Anthony Arnove, author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal, He his also the editor, with Howard Zinn, of Voices of a People’s History of the United States (Seven Stories), the long-awaited primary-source companion to A People’s History of the United States. Read more about Anthony Arnove here.