Law and Disorder May 24, 2021

  • Commentary: Jim Lafferty On Israeli – Palestinian Conflict


Steven Donziger Trial: Continuing Coverage Part 2

After five days in court and 650 days on house arrest, environmental lawyer Steven Donziger chose not to take the stand and testify in his own defense. As listeners will recall, Steven was on trial for criminal contempt of court charges. In August 2019, he refused to turn over his computer, cellphone and other electronic devices and he has been detained pretrial for a misdemeanor offense. If convicted, he faces six months in prison.

The attorney who won a multi-billion-dollar settlement against Chevron oil for polluting an area Ecuador the size of Rhode Island and causing the indigenous people thousands of injuries and deaths by cancer and other illnesses, told The Intercept about the decision: “My lawyers said you’d be crazy to testify, so we decided to cut the case short. No need to continue to legitimize what’s essentially a charade.”

Judge Loretta Preska denied Steven a trial by jury, and many contend that a jury of his own peers might have acquitted the human rights defender of all six counts. Attorney and Harvard Law School professor Charles Nesson agrees. “This is a story of the denial of jury trial,” Nesson said. “He’s been effectively convicted and disbarred and more or less bankrupted without any jury. And now he’s about to be convicted. And all of this without a jury.”

Guest – Attorney Martin Garbusone of three pro bono lawyers representing Donziger in an attempt to get his law license restored. Garbus has a long and distinguished career as a civil rights and first amendment litigator. Attorney Martin Garbus has represented Nelson Mandela, Daniel Ellsberg, and Cesar Chavez and worked in Rwanda, China, and the Soviet Union, among other countries.


Take Me To Your Leader: The Rot of the American Ruling Class

We need to know our enemy because the task of changing society begins with understanding who holds power. In 1915 the great Irish socialist James Connolly said, “O, yes! The ruling class are worthy of study. The natural history of the ruling class is a fascinating interest. You begin with interest, you proceed with awe and admiration, you deepen into hatred, and you wind up with contempt for the nature of the beast. You realize that – the capitalist class is the meanest class that ever grasped the reins of power”.  Jacobin magazine’s Spring 2021 issue is devoted entirely to an examination of the ruling class.

Guest – Doug Henwood who has an article in Jacobin titled Take Me To Your Leader: The Rot of the American Ruling Class. Doug Henwood is the editor of Left Business Review and the host of the radio program Behind the News.





Law and Disorder February 22, 2021

Chris Hedges: Donald Trump Acquittal, Going Forward

Before going to prison Trump’s attorney and fixer Michael Cohen testified to Congress that Trump would never leave office peaceably. He sure didn’t. He instigated an insurrection on January 6th. His premeditated coup almost succeeded.

His plan appears to be that he would get his followers to prevent the ballot certification of Biden as president and cause enough mayhem to declare martial law. The marauders he sent to the White House hunted for Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence. They roamed the Capitol chanting “Hang Mike Pence. Hang Mike Pence.” A sturdy gallows was constructed near the Capitol for that purpose.

Reportedly Trump took delight in all of this as it was going on and refused to call off the Capitol sackers or bring in the National Guard. The horrors of that day were dramatically presented by the House trial managers. Comprehensive videos were shown to a national audience. A totally convincing presentation was made. Any right thinking person watching would necessarily conclude that Trump was responsible for what happened. Trump’s defenses were demolished.

It was explained that Constitution allows for illegal and prior cases had established that Trump could be tried even after leaving office. The argument that he had free speech rights was effectively countered. Nevertheless he was not found guilty although seven Republicans refused to go along with their party’s defense of the indefensible. A number of Republican Senators, who were supposed to sit as impartial jury, met with Trumps defense lawyers. Twelve others did not even attend the last day of trial.

After the vote Mitch McConnell, voted to acquit on the spurious grounds that Trump could not be tried since he was no longer in office. He spoke of the possibility of Trump being tried for his crimes. The Republican lead acquittal of Donald Trump will be appreciated as a turning point in American history.  The vote to acquit him will be understood as a moment that democracy and the rule of law were trashed allowing the former president to retain his control over a transformed Republican Party which has become an instrument of demagoguery and white supremacy.

Guest – Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer prize winning journalist and considered by many on the left to be an American moral philosopher. He was forced out of his job at the New York Times for opposing the war in Iraq. Hedges is the author of many books including “American Facists: The Christian Right‘s War on America.“ He is the host of the RT show “On Contact”. His latest book is “America: the Farewell Tour.” He writes a weekly column for “Scheerpost” the latest is titled “Cancel Culture: Where Liberalism Goes to Die.


ICC Investigation Into War Crimes Proceeds

In 2015, the State of Palestine became a member of the International Criminal Court and granted the Court jurisdiction over crimes committed on the territory of Palestine, including East Jerusalem, since June 13, 2014. The Prosecutor of the ICC opened a preliminary examination into crimes committed in Palestine on January 16, 2015, and the State of Palestine referred the case for investigation in May 2018. During the preliminary examination, Palestinian human rights organizations and victims made submissions describing war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israeli officials, including in relation to the 2014 military offensive on Gaza.

In December 2019, the Prosecutor found a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Palestine – the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem. victims were invited to submit observations on the Prosecutor’s requests and Center for Constitutional Rights attorney Katherine Gallagher submitted on behalf of twenty Palestinian victims of persecution from all parts of Palestine and the diaspora. A year ago April, CCR joined more than 180 Palestinian, regional, and international human rights organizations in signing an open letter to the ICC prosecutor in support of opening the investigation.

Guest – Attorney Katherine Gallagher, senior attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, has appeared before the ICC in the Hague in Holland. She represented two men indefinitely detained in the US offshore prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Katie works on universal jurisdiction ad international criminal law cases involving US and foreign officials and torture and other war crimes.


Law and Disorder March 2, 2020

The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017

There has been a century of war on the Palestinians by Zionists whose goal was to establish a Jewish state on their land.

More than 100 years ago, a Zionist Congress meeting in Vienna sent a delegation of several rabbis to Palestine to report back on what they saw. The rabbis telegraphed: “The bride is beautiful but she is married to another man.“

That is to say, Palestine was already settled by Palestinians who have been there for centuries. Thus the project of the Zionists was to ethnically cleanse Palestine by any means necessary.

It has taken 100 years and six declarations of war and the settler colonial project of the Zionists has been largely successful, so far. Three years ago President Donald Trump put his young son-in-law Jared Kushner in charge of American policy towards the Palestinians. Without consulting them last month Trump announced what he called “the deal of the century“.

The “deal” gave Israel large parts of the west bank of the Jordan River which embraced territory illegally conquered by Israel in the war they started in 1967 and where 600,000 Israelis have been settled since then.

The Palestinians were given several non-contiguous enclaves in the West Bank plus the Gaza Strip and told that those who were displaced in the 1947-48 War and the 1967 war could never come back to the land the Zionists claim was given to their ancestors by a God thousands of years ago. They were told they have four years to accept the offer.

We speak with Rashid Khalidi about his just published landmark history

Guest – Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University. He is also the author of Under Siege: PLO Decision Making During the 1982 War, Brokers of Deceit: How the US Has Undermined Peace in the Middle East and recently The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017. Professor Khalidi’s article on the Sabra and Shatila massacre in The Nation magazine.


Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective Update 2020

In a violation of international law, on May 16, 2019 more than 100 police, many with military gear, invaded the embassy of Venezuela in Washington, DC and arrested four Embassy Protectors who were in the embassy with the permission of the Venezuelan government to protect it from takeover as part of a US coup against the elected Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro.

The United States had at that time attempted to install Juan Guida as the president of Venezuela and Guida’s right wing supporters attempted to take over the Venezuelan embassy in Washington DC. Under international law, the embassy is the property of Venezuelan government and is considered untouchable.

The US had attempted to install Juan Guaida as the president of Venezuela and on May 30th right wing coup supporters attempted to take over the Venezuelan embassy in Washington DC. This coincided with another attempted coup by Juan Guaida in Venezuela. Guaido failed in his coup attempt.

The embassy in Washington, DC is the property of Venezuela and under international law the United States must protect and is not allowed to enter it.

A group of Americans known as the Embassy Protection Collective moved into the embassy to prevent its hostile takeover. Up to 70 people were sleeping in the embassy as embassy protectors.

The State Department, Secret Service, and the Metropolitan police force allowed a pro-coup mob to lay siege on the embassy. People were blocked from entering the embassy. Food was prevented from being brought in. The electricity and water were cut off.

Although the coup against the Maduro government failed, the Embassy Protectors were arrested when the US government raided the Venezuelan embassy. The final four Embassy Protectors, Kevin Zeese, Margaret Flowers., Adrian Pine, and David Paul were arrested and face federal prosecution. If convicted they could be imprisoned up to one year and fined up to $100,000 each.

Guest – Kevin Zeese is a US lawyer and political activist. He helped organize the 2011 Occupy encampment in Washington DC. Kevin Zeese is currently the co-director of The Organization Popular Resistance.



Law and Disorder December 24, 2018


Ray McGovern: Clinton Email Wikileaks Valid

The prevailing Russia-gate narrative is that Russia colluded with Donald Trump to swing the 2016 election his way.

Special prosecutor Robert Mueller has led a nearly 2 year investigation in search of proving this. Under American law when a crime is committed prosecutors search for the culprit . In this case, critics say, the search is for the crime.

The investigation seems to be winding down with the expectation that he will soon issue his report. The major news media, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party, and the intelligence community have conducted a drum beat with a nearly fact free assertion that the Russians helped steal the 2016 election.

Is this story true? Is there more to it? Donald Trump after all ran his campaign on a position of easing tensions with Russia.

Is it really in our interest to perpetuate a cold war with a nuclear armed power?

Did Russia use Wikileaks and it’s editor Julian Assange to reveal secrets about the Democratic party? What were the secrets? What danger to free journalism and to truth tellers and whistle blowers does the acceptance of the allegation of Russian interference in the US elections are we facing?

Guest – Ray McGovern former CIA intelligence analyst, Ray briefed President George H. W. Bush every morning on intelligence matters, particularly with respect to Russia. He is a founder of VIPS, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity and a contributor to the blog Common Dreams.



Defund Islamophobia Campaign

Fear and hatred of Arabs and Muslims existed in the United States especially after the first Gulf war, started by President George H. W. Bush a decade before the attacks on September 11, 2001.

This fear and hatred increased tremendously in the aftermath of those terrorist attacks. How could it be otherwise? It was used to stir up the American public in the ensuing devastating war against Iraq whose government was falsely linked to the attacks but wars were also fought simultaneously in six other predominately Muslim countries.

Anti-Muslim fear and hatred has been promoted in the United States by several groups and people including Pamela Geller, Daniel Pipes, and David Horowitz.

It turned out that these people and the groups through which they operate were massively funded to the tune of millions of dollars by the United Jewish Appeal in New York City and other Jewish charities in Chicago and San Francisco.

Guest – Donna Nevel is a community psychologist, educator, and co-director of PARCO. She is a long time organizer for justice and is a founding member of Jews Against Anti-Muslim Racism, Jews Say No!, and the Nakba Project.

Guest – Asaf Calderon is an Israel-American organizer and member of Jewish Voice for peace – New York City. He was born in Tel Aviv in 1991 and moved to New York in 2016. Asaf has a degree in history of the Middle East and Africa from the University of Tel Aviv, and he currently studies for his Masters of Social Work at Hunter College.

Islamophobia Report / /

Law and Disorder June 18, 2018


Mark Crispin Miller – Julian Assange, Voter Fraud and Fake News

WikiLeaks founder the truth telling publisher Julian Assange is in escalating danger of being sent from England to America where he would likely be tried for espionage, a crime that carries the death penalty.

Assange and WikiLeaks have revealed American war crimes in the middle east, CIA global machinations , and the work of Clinton Democrats in preventing the popular Bernie Sanders from heading up the party ticket.

Assange is presently holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London where he was granted political asylum six years ago by past leftist president Rafael Correa. But now, with the change of presidents in Ecuador, Assange has been cut off from the outside world. He has no phone, no computer, and no visitors.

The fresh offensive against him occurred the day after American General Joseph DiSalvo, the head of the US Southern Command, the Pentagon’s arm in Latin America, visited the new right wing Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno. Moreno has said that Assange is “an inherited problem” and is seeking s better relationship with the United States government, to whom he has already granted a military base.

Guest – Mark Crispin Miller who is a professor of media studies at New York University. Professor Miller has frequently spoken about media propaganda, the engineering of consent for empire, fake news, and the destruction of the independent press. He has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for the humanities and is a vigorous defender of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.



CCR Delegation To Israel

Like the USA, Israel is a colonial-settler state which, beginning in 1948, 70 years ago, expelled 750,000 native Palestinians, took their land, homes and businesses, and reduced those who remained to abused second class citizens, not unlike what was done to native Americans by white settlers in the USA. Their land was stolen, their tribes uprooted, and their culture practically destroyed.

In 1967 Israel expanded further, militarily occupying Palestinian territories to their north, east, and south, including East Jerusalem.

Last month Attorney and Columbia law professor Katherine Franke, the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the CCR, along with Attorney Vince Warren, the CCR’s Executive Director, headed up a 20 person delegation of American activists who traveled to Israel to report on the human rights situation there. Franke and Warren never made it past the airport in Tel Aviv. They were stopped, questioned , detained for 14 hours, and then deported back to the USA. Franke was told she could never return.

Guest – Attorney Katherine Franke, is the Sulzbacher Professor of Law, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Columbia University, where she also directs the Center for Gender and Sexuality Law and is the faculty director of the Public Rights/Private Conscience Project. She is a member of the Executive Committee for the Institute for Research on Women, Gender and Sexuality, and the Center for Palestine Studies. She is among the nation’s leading scholars writing on law, religion and rights, drawing from feminist, queer, and critical race theory. She is the author of Wedlocked: The Perils of Marriage Equality. Her next book will be coming out from Haymarket Press in the spring: Repair: Slavery’s Unfinished Business  makes the case for racial reparations in the U.S.

Law and Disorder May 21, 2018


Middle East Round Up: Brian Becker

Iran and Gaza are at both at critical and potentially catastrophic junctures. Iran faces new challenges due to because of  Donald Trump’s denunciation of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and the re-imposition of sweeping sanctions. As well, recent elections in Iraq pushed Iran’s allies in Iraq’s Shia militias–the Popular Mobilization Forces—into second place by nationalist Moqtada al-Sadr.

The element within the Republican Party with deep pockets is the Republican Jewish Committee. They support Netanyahu and his Likud party. The RJC supported both the blowing up of the Iran deal and the move of the Embassy to Jerusalem. Now they support Netanyahu’s crushing of the Palestinians in Gaza.

Iran also risks being diplomatically out-maneuvered. Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Moscow recently, aligning his interests in Syria with Vladimir Putin’s. In what is becoming routine coordination, Israel forewarned Russia of its attacks on Iran. Viewed from Tehran, Russia, Iran’s ostensible brother-in-arms in Syria, is more and more unreliable. Its Saudi foes are greatly encouraged by Trump’s offensive.

Guest – Brian Becker, the National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition and a leader of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Brian has been a central organizer of the mass anti-war demonstrations that have taken place in Washington, D.C. in the past decade.



Stories From Trailblazing Women Lawyers

Before the Civil War there were six women lawyers in the entire United States of America. By 1890 there were about 200 and by 1900 about 1000. Women then could not even vote.

It was nearly impossible for a woman to get admitted to a law school or find a job when she graduated. Things did not qualitatively change until the late 1960s and 1970s.

By then, as a consequence of a number of factors including the great civil rights movement, the women’s movement, and the empty law school seats created by drafting men to serve in the Vietnam War, women were able to fight discrimination and win law school admission first by protesting in the streets and then through legislation, court decisions, and the actions of a few forward looking politicians.

Now half of the students in American law schools are women. They are professors in those very same places, indeed, the deans of the two most prestigious law schools in America, Harvard and Yale, are women. They are partners in law firms, hold important positions and governmental agencies, and are judges on the bench.

They have made a difference in the measure of social justice obtained by people in this country by advancing peoples’ and women’s rights in education, healthcare, employment, discrimination, family life, and violence against women.

Guest –Jill Norgren, the author of the just published book Stories From Trailblazing Women Lawyers. Ms. Norgren is Professor Emerita of Political Science at John Jay College and the Graduate Center, the City University of New York. She is the author of several books including Rebels at the Bar.
