Law and Disorder July 5, 2021

Former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s License To Practice Law Suspended

Two weeks ago former president Donald Trump‘s attorney Rudy Giuliani’s license to practice law was suspended. The disciplinary committee of the New York City appellate division court where Giuliani had been licensed to practice law ruled that “he communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers, and the public at large in his capacity as a lawyer for Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020. In addition, on January 6, the committee took notice of Giuliani‘s urging the crowd in Washington DC make law by “engaging in combat.”

The disciplinary committee found that Giuliani’s conduct “immediately threatened the public interest in warranted interim suspension for the practice of law.” Giuliani became the first attorney to experience professional consequences for perpetuating lies about fraud in the 2020 election.

He had been the main prosecutor in the Southern District of New York before becoming mayor. After 911 he was widely viewed as a hero and denominated “Americas mayor“. He went on to practice law representing a number of corporations and becoming rich before becoming Trump’s attorney.

Guest – Professor and attorney Ellen Yaroshefsky, is one of the signatories to one of the complaints against Giuliani. Professor Yaroshefsky is the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, Howard Lichtenstein Distinguished Professor of Legal Ethics, and Executive Director of the Monroe H. Freedman Institute for the Study of Legal Ethics.


The Capital Riot Aftermath Evaluation: Attorney Margaret Ratner-Kunstler

At the same time we have a radicalization of the left we also have one on the right. The one on the right has been building for 40 years. A right wing racist nationalist demagogue, Donald Trump, got 74 million votes in the last election. People and organizations supporting Trump and egged on by him ransacked the Capital on January 6.

“The military was an active participant by refusing cars to intervene to stop the invasion of the building, “Barry Shepard wrote in Green Left Weekly. “They stood by for some four hours. Eventually it was the Washington DC police who finally ended it.“
Caroline Or, writing in Byline Times wrote that “the Capital riot was not a spontaneous outburst of violence, but rather a carefully orchestrated, well-funded attempt to violently overthrow the election and bring an end to democracy in America.“ Further, she wrote that “there is a close alliance between violent extremist and mainstream factions of the Republican Party, including wealthy donors and elected officials.“

The Republicans in Congress succeeded in blocking a proposal to convene a bipartisan committee to investigate the interaction. For his part, Biden has avoided talking about it in an evident attempt to assure his allies overseas that America is still a democracy.
Who did it, what did they hope to accomplish, love and what has been done by way of an investigation and criminal prosecution?

Guest – human rights attorney Margaret Ratner Kunstler who has worked at the Center for Constitutional Rights and is the editor of the recent book In Defense of Julian Assange.


Law and Disorder June 28, 2021

Building Support To Free Wikileaks’ Julian Assange

Whistle blowing Australian journalist and the publisher of WikiLeaks Julian Assange sits in a jail cell in solitary confinement in London’s infamous Belmarsh prison. There he awaits the decision of the British High Court as to whether at the behest of the Trump and now Biden administrations he will be extradited to the Eastern District of Virginia to stand trial on 17 counts of espionage under the recently resurrected 1917 Espionage Act which was originally enacted to be used against spies. He will certainly be sentenced to imprisonment for the rest of his life at a super maximum-security prison where communications with the outside world will be cut off.

His case is on appeal to the British High Court. At the recent extradition hearing British magistrate Vanessa Baraitser ruled in favor of the United States on all 17 counts of espionage lodged against him by the Trump administration. She did however rule that Julian Assange would be subjected to terrible conditions in American maximum-security prison and therefore should not be extradite. The Biden administration has appealed this ruling.

The charges Assange faces are a major threat to press freedom. James Goodale, who represented the New York Times in the Pentagon papers case, commented, “The charge against Assange for “conspiracy” with a source is the most dangerous I can think of with respect to the first amendment in all my years representing media organizations.”

It is crucial to build support for Assange and preventive his delivery into the hands of the Biden administration and its prosecutors.
Julian Assange’s crime was to expose the war crimes, murder, and the inner workings of the American empire to the world press. He might pay for this embarrassment with his life.

Guest – John Shipton, Julian’s father who is visiting the United States from his native Australia touring to raise support for his victimized son.


Take Me To Your Leader: The Rot of the American Ruling Class

We need to know our enemy because the task of changing society begins with understanding who holds power. In 1915 the great Irish socialist James Connolly said, “O, yes! The ruling class are worthy of study. The natural history of the ruling class is a fascinating interest. You begin with interest, you proceed with awe and admiration, you deepen into hatred, and you wind up with contempt for the nature of the beast. You realize that – the capitalist class is the meanest class that ever grasped the reins of power”.  Jacobin magazine’s Spring 2021 issue is devoted entirely to an examination of the ruling class.

Guest – Doug Henwood who has an article in Jacobin titled Take Me To Your Leader: The Rot of the American Ruling Class. Doug Henwood is the editor of Left Business Review and the host of the radio program Behind the News.


Law and Disorder June 14, 2021

Attorney Ron Kuby Updates On Donziger Trial

Three weeks ago, environmental attorney Steven Donziger’s Chevron-funded trial for misdemeanor contempt trial drew to a close. Steven and his defense team are now waiting for what they claim is an inevitable verdict of “guilty” by Chevron-linked Judge Loretta Preska. As Steven has written to his supporters, Preska denied him a jury of unbiased fact finders by ordering a bench trial. She also ruled against Steven and his attorneys on 99% of all their courtroom objections. Steven also notes that Preska—a conservative judge and a former member of the Federalist Society’s advisory board—actually read the newspaper during witness testimony.

The defense team is preparing for its expected appeal after Preska delivers her ruling. They are following up on, and researching, additional revelations of corruption by Chevron and the high-paid lawyers challenging the original multi-billion-dollar fines for Chevron’s toxic pollution in Ecuador.

Guest – Attorney Ron Kuby, who along with his law partner Rhiya Trevedi and noted First Amendment attorney Martin Garbus, comprise the Donziger defense team. Ron is the former law partner of William Kunstler, and his body of work continues to uphold their tradition of representing the poor, downtrodden, and wrongfully accused.


Building Support To Free Wikileaks’ Julian Assange

Whistle blowing Australian journalist and the publisher of WikiLeaks Julian Assange sits in a jail cell in solitary confinement in London’s infamous Belmarsh prison. There he awaits the decision of the British High Court as to whether at the behest of the Trump and now Biden administrations he will be extradited to the Eastern District of Virginia to stand trial on 17 counts of espionage under the recently resurrected 1917 Espionage Act which was originally enacted to be used against spies. He will certainly be sentenced to imprisonment for the rest of his life at a super maximum-security prison where communications with the outside world will be cut off.

His case is on appeal to the British High Court. At the recent extradition hearing British magistrate Vanessa Baraitser ruled in favor of the United States on all 17 counts of espionage lodged against him by the Trump administration. She did however rule that Julian Assange would be subjected to terrible conditions in American maximum-security prison and therefore should not be extradite. The Biden administration has appealed this ruling.

The charges Assange faces are a major threat to press freedom. James Goodale, who represented the New York Times in the Pentagon papers case, commented, “The charge against Assange for “conspiracy” with a source is the most dangerous I can think of with respect to the first amendment in all my years representing media organizations.”

It is crucial to build support for Assange and preventive his delivery into the hands of the Biden administration and its prosecutors.
Julian Assange’s crime was to expose the war crimes, murder, and the inner workings of the American empire to the world press. He might pay for this embarrassment with his life.

Guest – John Shipton, Julian’s father who is visiting the United States from his native Australia touring to raise support for his victimized son.



Law and Disorder May 31, 2021

Palestine Legal Director Speaks On Recent Israel-Palestine Conflict

Zionism, the idea of creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine, was and is a settler colonial project that started 100 years ago. But Zionism had a problem. It’s illustrated by the story of an early Zionist Congress in Vienna sending three rabbis to Palestine to report on what they saw. The rabbis went and reported back that “the bride is beautiful but she’s married to another man.” Palestine was densely populated and had been for thousands of years. It was not, as Zionist propaganda would have it, a land without a people for a people without a land.

The Zionist goal then and now was to get rid of the Arabs. In this they have almost succeeded. But not quite.

The recent 11 day horrific slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, approved in advance by the Biden administration and conducted by Israel with American supplied weapons started when Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an effort to consolidate right wing support evicted Palestinians from their homes in a Palestinian neighborhood in Jerusalem. The Prime Minister also had his military invade and shoot up the Al-Asqua mosque in Jerusalem while 300 Palestinians were there praying on the last day of Ramadan. In response on May 18th the Palestinians staged a general strike in Israel proper, the West Bank, and Gaza. This was the first time a general strike had been conducted by the Palestinians against their Zionist and British oppressors since 1936 which which was broken by the British and the Zionists.

The Zionist apparatus in the United States is extremely strong. Through lawsuits and political pressure they have carved out what Michael Ratner called  – the Palestine exception to the First Amendment. Telling the Palestine story is quite difficult. To counter this Michael Ratner set up the organization Palestine Legal in Chicago. It is headed by Palestinian American attorney Dima Khalidi. Before the cease-fire, 1700 people in Gaza were injured and 210 killed, including 65 children.

Guest – Dima Khalidi, founder and Director of Palestine Legal. Her work includes providing legal advice to activists, engaging in advocacy to protect their rights to speak out for Palestinian rights, and educating activists and the public about the repression of Palestine advocates. She most recently has an article published online in Truthout.


The Dallas 6: Andre Jacobs

In 2014 and 2016,  Law and Disorder covered the case of the Dallas 6. They’re a group of prisoners who in 2010 protested the ongoing abuse from prison guards while locked in solitary confinement at the SCI Dallas prison in Pennsylvania. Abuse there included tasering genitals, being hog tied, cutting off of clothes and leaving the men in cages for hours at a time.

They witnessed another prisoner, Isaac Sanchez, being strapped into a restraint chair for hours even overnight. When guards threatened to do the same to them, the men tried to cover their cell doors with their bedding and refused to leave their cell in an effort to protect themselves and gain the attention of authorities. Prison guards stormed the six cells, armed with batons and electrified equipment. They left the men beaten, bloody, naked, eyes burning, their flesh scorched with pepper spray.

The Dallas 6 are Andre Jacobs, Anthony Kelly, Anthony Locke, Dwayne Peters, Derek Stanley, and Carrington Keys. The six men were forced to remain in the Restrictive Housing Unit, or solitary confinement for up to ten years.

Guest – Andre Jacobs, Andre served more than two decades in prison, was the victim of prolonged and tortuous prison guard abuse, became a successful jailhouse lawyer, and has been released from prison. He started the business Supreme Network Global to help and guide young men and women who have been in similar circumstances.


Law and Disorder April 26, 2021

It Was Genocide: Armenian Survivor Stories

Around the world, April 24 marks the observance of the Armenian Genocide. On that day in 1915 the Interior Minister of the Ottoman Empire ordered the arrest and hangings of Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Constantinople. It was the beginning of a systematic and well-documented plan to eliminate the Armenians, who were Christian, and who had been under Ottoman rule and treated as second class citizens since the 15th century.

The unspeakable and gruesome nature of the killings—beheadings of groups of babies, dismemberments, mass burnings, mass drownings, use of toxic gas, lethal injections of morphine or injections with the blood of typhoid fever patients—render oral histories particularly difficult for survivors of the victims.

Why did this happen? Despite being deemed inferior to Turkish Muslims, the Armenian community had attained a prestigious position in the Ottoman Empire and the central authorities there grew apprehensive of their power and longing for a homeland. The concerted plan of deportation and extermination was effected, in large part, because World War I demanded the involvement and concern of potential allied countries. As the writer Grigoris Balakian wrote, the war provided the Turkish government “their sole opportunity, one unprecedented” to exploit the chaos of war in order to carry out their extermination plan.

As Armenians escaped to several countries, including the United States, a number came to New Britain, Connecticut in 1892 to work in the factories of what was then known as the hardware capital of the world. By 1940 nearly 3,000 Armenians lived there in a tight-knit community.

Pope Frances calls it a duty not to forget “the senseless slaughter” of an estimated one and a half million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks from 1915 to 1923. “Concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding without bandaging it,” the Pope said just two weeks before the 100th anniversary of the systematic implementation of a plan to exterminate the Armenian race.

Special thanks to Jennie Garabedian, Arthur Sheverdian, Ruth Swisher, Harry Mazadoorian, and Roxie Maljanian. Produced and written by Heidi Boghosian and Geoff Brady.

Law and Disorder April 12, 2021

Vaccine Passports, Privacy And Civil Liberties

New York State became the first in the country to premier a Covid-19 vaccine passport. They call it the Excelsior Pass and proponents say it’s a safe and efficient way for people to return to sporting events, concerts, Broadway theaters and other large group settings. You show a QR code proving a recent negative test or full vaccination.

The pass is voluntary and lets New Yorkers upload their official results—from a number of different vaccination sites and labs—into the system to verify that the person holding the pass meets the standards for entry. The state first used the pass at a Buffalo Bills football game in January after which they monitored attendees for 14 days after and discovered “almost negligible” transmission.

Registration in the program requires three pieces of information: Name, date of birth, and zip code. The pass is matched to vaccination and testing records using a series of questions to prevent fraud. When the person arrives at a venue, all they have to do is show a photo ID with their code, which will generate a green check mark at the venue.

New York state officials say they’ve been in close talks with surrounding states about integrating systems, but their neighbors say it’s not the priority. What are vaccine passports and who is considering implementing them? Connecticut, for example says it doesn’t have immediate plans to roll out a vaccine passport, although Governor Ned Lamont has said it’s possible to see private sector solutions if demand grows and if the technology is proven effective.

Guest –  Attorney David J. McGuire, executive director of the ACLU of Connecticut. McGuire also is the chair of the Connecticut Special Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, serves on the state’s Racial Profiling Prohibition Project Advisory Board, and is a member of the Commission on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Criminal Justice System.


Attorney Flint Taylor : Police Brutality And The Derek Chauvin Trial

The cruel and sadistic police murder of George Floyd last June on a Minneapolis sidewalk was videoed by a courageous 17 year old bystander. Her video was viewed by Americans across the country and the world.  It captured Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, smirking, with one hand in his pocket as he knelt for 9 minutes and 29 seconds on George Floyd’s neck. Floyd was handcuffed behind his back and restrained by two other police officers at the time. He begged for his life, called for his mother, and repeatedly said “I can’t breathe!”

Onlookers gathered in protest as the murder progressed but their intersession was of no avail. George Floyd‘s life drained out of him. He lost his pulse. Still Chauvin persisted, kneeling on a dead man. An ambulance came to take away George Floyd’s corpse.

People responded, it was massive and sustained. In some two thousand cities across America 20 million people, white and Black , Black lead, protested in the streets. More than demanding that George Floyd’s killer be brought to justice, they demanded that police departments be defunded, that police be controlled by the community, and that ending police murders of Black people be brought to halt once and for all.

We are now in the midst of the trial of killer cop Derek Chauvin. Millions of Americans are watching the trial. It seems to them that this latest racist police outrage is the culmination of so many past murders. They are asking, what is to be done?

Guest – Attorney G. Flint Taylor is a founding partner of the People Law Office in Chicago starting out over 50 years ago representing the family of Black Panther leader Fred Hampton, Who was assassinated by the Chicago Police Department with the help of the FBI. He has represented numerous police torture survivors during the past 33 years. Taylor was one of the lawyers involved in the struggle for reparations and has chronicled the decade long fight against Chicago police torture in his award-winning book “The Torture Machine : Racism and Violence in Chicago.
